Minster for IT KT Rama Rao today has given a call to the people of Telangana to get ready ahead for fighting the seasonal diseases in the coming rainy season. Every Sunday the Municipal department will think on fighting against the Dengue, malaria and other diseases he stated.
He praised the efforts of the people and also official machinery in containing the COVID for last two months. He said that ins same way we must also arrest the seasonal diseases in the coming months and for we must start the work ahead he suggested.
KTR along with Municipal corporation has been working day in and day out against the Coronavirus and suggesting the people observe the lockdown from time to time.
To this effect as the Minister for Municipal administration he has addressed a detailed letter to the people so that they will be vigilant against the seasonal disease. He wants the people to feel responsible for keeping the cleaning of the surrounding and also in driving away from the mosquitoes from time to time.
With peoples participation, everything is possible KTR opined.