Lets compete in Developement

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Lets compete in Development . Let there be competition between states and centre for development the PM said. Delhi is yours like Hyderabad. Delhi is not far off Modi said.

I am visiting TS for the first time after formation, it is just 2 years old but it is making rapid strides the PM complimented. The Government will fulfill all the responsibilities here for the people he opined. The state and centre here are working under co-operative federalism he opined. There were times when the centre and state fought he pointed out.

But now India will make rapid strides with state and centre together he stated. PM also complimented KCR for his support. We are working together for the betterment of the country he said. KCR always talked about the development and water for the state. KCR was emotional for the people of the state he said.

KCR will achieve his goal , there is no doubt he complimented. The rain water percolation is also very important he said. It is now in porbandhar he said, the birth place of Gandhi. In 2 years the centre has also done great job in terms of power he said. The power per unit is Rs 1.10 he announced. That was earlier Rs 11 he reminded.TS needs fertiliser company and we started one here he said. Earlier only subsidies announced but not given he reminded. He mentioned about neem coating for urea. Now urea not diverted he said.

He pointed out that Cow must be attached to agriculture . The state Governments must also check these fake cow savers he cautioned.

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