K Taraka Rama Rao today saluted the soldiers on Army day. KTR is always active on Twitter and like a brave soldier of Telangana, he always comes to the rescue of the needy.
He reacts over Twitter whenever there is a need. Today he saluted the brave soldiers of the country who brought independence to the country and are also keeping us safe from other other countries day in and day out.
It may be noted that KTR and his father KCR also fought like brave soldiers in the Telangana movement and brought independence to Telangana. They fought for the creation of Telangana. KCR even almost was on his death bed for the sake of Telangana.
Today on the eve of Army day KTR promptly remembered them and praised their efforts. He saluted them.
With deep respect, I extend my heartfelt gratitude towards our brave soldiers & their families and salute their courage and valour#ArmyDay pic.twitter.com/dGym8HT4p5
— KTR (@KTRTRS) January 15, 2019