Food at the office has been a big subject from the beginning.
Even if you’re not ordering in every day, and your office provides your lunch at a subsidised cost, it’s still worth your while to spend time cooking your own meals and bringing them to work.
For one, cooking can be a great destressing activity. Second, your food will be fresher, which itself will save you a lot of money in the long term, by way of health benefits.
You don’t know what the quality of the fat and produce being used in the office canteen is. If you’re too tired to cook every day, find friends with similar tastes and rotate cooking schedules.
It might seem like too tiny a portion of money to make any real difference to your life, but it’s more than just about money.
Keeping a refillable bottle on your desk is good for the environment, plus it will force you to get up and move, every couple of hours, which is something most of us forget to do.
Plus, you don’t have to dehydrate yourself because you forgot to buy a bottle and don’t have time to make a canteen run.