Key decision on Telangana today

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PM Modi along with his council of Ministers will be taking crucial decisions today it is reported. This includes Telangana also.

The BJP has been making hectic preparations for several state polls scheduled this year, with the Congress showing some bounce following its big win in Karnataka.

Elections are due in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana and Mizoram later this year, and the Congress will be the BJP’s main challenger in the first three states.

Telangana is a state where the party is in doubt. Union Minister Gadkari openly agreed that they may not come to power here. Now Modi wants to include one of them in the cabinet and also change the leadership here.

There could be a change in the leadership for Andhra Pradesh also. BJP believes that they will come to power in the three states out of the 5 going for election.

Rahul Gandhi on the other hand has alleged that BRS and BJP are hand in glove in Telangana. He said that BJP is a risthedar party to BRS.. Kishan Reddy and Harish Rao clarified that they are not risthedars.

So Telangana BJP leaders can expect some promotions and some changes. But right now the BJP is in third place in the state of Telangana.

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