Graph of Modi is coming down and the graph of Rahul is not going up, while the regional parties are taking the centre stage said Kavitha the MP from Nizamabad. K Chandrasekhar Rao is trying to come up with the Federal Front and KCR will play a special role in the formation of the Government at the centre. Kavitha was talking on Twitter live today.
The funds under MP lads should be increased she opined. 5 crore is not enough she opined. Modi came to power assuring 33 per cent of reservation to women, but so far he did not walk the talk. The women must get the reservation and Modi should pass the Mahila reservation bill she opined.
Lot works are being done under the Nizamabad master plan she said. Drinking water, roads, electricity and other problems will be resolved at the earliest she said. The Government is working on resolving the water issue and an IT hub is being developed she stated.
The youth must come into politics she invited. Priyanka was playing a guest role these days in politics, now she got a permanent role and that would make no difference Kavitha opined. Kavitha said that the Congress leaders must stop talking and start working. Modi did not do anything for Telangana she said.
The Turmeric board will be done at the earliest for Nizamabad she stated. The centre did not do it and we will continue the work she assured. The defence budget must be increased she said. KCR likes Urdu and we will develop Urdu in a big she assured. Telangana government works with a humane face she stated. Small and medium scale industries must be supported she suggested.
Education should be from the Government side free she said.