TRS chief and CM K Chandrasekhar Rao will not campaign for the coming Municipal elections in January. The entire responsibility has been fixed on the TRS working President K Taraka Rama Rao.
Earlier during the GHMC elections, KTR along with Minister Talasan Srinivas Yadav has achieved good results. In the same fashion now the responsibility of winning the Municipal elections has been fixed on him.
KTR has already addressed the executive members here at the Pragathi Bhavan on this account. He advised that welfare measures and development is the main agenda for the elections.
KTR is of the opinion that the development done by the TRS Government under the dynamic leadership of KCR will win the election. KTR opined that the Congress party is now where, while the BJP is nursing the pipe dreams.
The Maharashtra and Jharkhand elections are an indication that the people have given to the BJP he opined. The people of Telangana are with KCR and they will see that the TRS wins all the seats he said.