Telangana outgoing Governor Narasimhan today said that the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao told him everything and discussed all the developments with him. Narasimhan opined that KCR knew the pulse of people and he made things possible. Narasimhan reminded of the Mission Bageeratha presentation that KCR over to him in the Darbar Hall.
KCR said that Narasimhan treated him like a brother and both of them trusted each other. Both of them had good rapport all the time. KCR was so confident that he could win over Narasimhan even when he had some doubts.
KCR remembered that he started the work of developing Yadadri by touching the feet of Narasimhan and taking his blessings. KCR was seen talking to Narasimhan in the last minute also before the family boarded a plane for Chennai.
In fact, it was Narasimhan who suggested KCR give the google presentation of Mission Bageeratha in the Assembly. Narasimhan also told Modi the PM about the knowledge of KCR.
KCR said that he would extend the same co-operation to Tamilisai also who would be taking over from 8th.