There is a chance that K Chandrasekhar Rao the Telangana CM and the TRS chief would spell out the priorities for the coming elections would suggest the legislators get ready. There is a possibility that he would address them this evening at the TRS Bhavan here at Banjarahills.
He is now equipped with latest data and survey in all the constituencies in Telangana. He would hint at the prospective candidates and also suggest to the people who are on the hit list to correct themselves as they are on the verge of losing the election.
KCR already has a list of winning and losing candidates and taking this into account he might warn some legislators it is reported. The TRS leadership is not planning for simultaneous polls and they are gearing up for the Assembly elections and most probably they would be in December.
This would be in the scheme of one year one poll being suggested by the election commission. Hectic activity is expected at the TRS Bhavan this evening and the MLAs who are not doing well and not that popular are on the tenterhooks.
Meanwhile, KTR the son of KCR is extensively touring and launching the works in Hyderabad and other districts. He is damn sure of coming back to power.
All said and done the campaign for the next elections would begin soon. The Congress is also gearing up with the meetings of Rahul Gandhi the PCC chief here in Hyderabad. He has touched down in Hyderabad and left for Bidar. By this evening he will come back to Shamshabad for the meetings in Hyderabad.