K Chandrasekhar Rao the Telangana CM has directed his MPs in the parliament to see that the aspirations of the Telangana Assembly are taken care of in the proposed 10 per cent reservation bill to the upper castes. It may be noted that earlier the Telangana Assembly has passed resolutions here to give 12 reservations to the Muslim and 10 per cent reservations to the STs. KCR suggested to the TRS MP to see that the resolutions made in Telangana Assembly are also incorporated in the proposed reservation bill to come up in the parliament.
The 10 per cent reservation bill has already been moved in the parliament by Union Minister Gehlot and now the bill for the proposed constitutional amendment to accommodate the 10 per cent reservation is being moved by the Home Minister Rajnath Singh in the parliament. The 10 per cent reservation is meant for the poor people from the upper castes. Some people earlier opposed the bill as a political gimmick to attract votes for the coming elections. This is like a coverup on the rafales some others said. When it comes to the amendment to the constitution it is the 124th amendment. It has to have the support of 2/3rd of the members in both the houses of the parliament.