K Chandrasekhar Rao the Chief Minister of Telangana shared something with Babu when he went to pay tributes to Harikrishna at Mehdipatnam. The two CMs of the Telugu states were flanked by Junior NTR and Kalyan Ram, but KCR whispered to Babu about some things.
People say it could be about the accident and the cause of the accident. It could be on the condition of Harikrishna when he was driving and it may be on the postmortem report. Some others said that it could be about the elections in Telangana and the strategy for the future against the Modi.
But no one knows what actually transpired between the two leaders of the Telugu states who are a master strategist and seasoned politicians in their own way. Now one is with Modi and the other is against Modi. It is like a role reversal for them for now. In politics and in elections anything can happen at any time.
There will be no permanent friends and foes in politics. It will take some time for the truth to come out. But this was an unexpected meeting between the two CMs. People around the CMs were curious to know about it, but KCR talked to Babu in a whispering voice and babu could know and follow it.