Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has advised the minister concerned to initiate action on the ZP Chairman who was involved in the attack against the lady forest range officer who was on duty.
The forest officials who went on duty to plant trees under Haritha Haram were prevented and beaten up by the local ZP Chairperson and some tribals. A lady forest range officer was injured in the attack against her. She was standing on the tractor shielding the tractor driver who was involved in ploughing the land.
It is reported that there was a dispute between the government and the Dalits over the land that the forest officers tried to plough with a tractor for plantation.
The Dalits under the leadership of local ZP chairman attacked against the forest officials to prevent the land from being ploughed by the tractor for the proposed plantation under Harithaharam. The issue was recorded and it went viral on the TVs and social media. The local body representative was caught on camera while he was attacking the lady officer with a stick.
The lady officer injured in the attack is being treated in the hospital. She was seen weeping on the stretcher while being treated by the doctors.