KCR ready for arguments..

KCR ready for arguments..
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KCR is one man who can convince even his enemy. If you sit with him for an hour, the whole prespective will change. Now it is reported that he is planning to argue for the water sake for the betterment of the people of Telangana.

For the sake of public he is ready to face any hardship.

Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao had decided to appear himself before Brijesh Kumar Tribunal and argue the case of Telangana for the rightful share in Krishna Waters. KCR said so in several meetings in the past and will do that now. He is doing a good home work for the same.

The argument is that Krishna Waters should be divided among all the states as the earlier Bachavath Tribunal gave unjust allocations to Telangana. But then, Brijesh Kumar Tribunal is not keen on touching them and make it complicated.

KCR already has the facts and figures on his finger tips. But he wants to make doubly sure that he will be able to get the things from our side and win the case.

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