Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will tour Rajanna Sircilla district on Monday. The CM will perform Pooja at Vemulawada temple at 10.30 am and later will visit the Mid Manair Dam.
KCR will be going to Sircilla in a chopper from Begumpet and will reach the district by 10.30. By noon he is scheduled to reach the Vemulawada temple.
There is every chance that the Chief Minister might suggest some changes in the development of the Temple here.
The Chief Minister will also inspect some parts of the district and advice on the developments here apart from Sanitation and other things.
KCR will also review the Palle Pragathi on the way here and there. Some Ministers and MLAs are expected to take part in the tour along with the Chief Minister.
He will also inspect works going on in the district with the officials and the district collector.