K Chandrasekhar Rao who is in the midst of Sahasra Chandi Yagam is all set to reach Delhi by this evening. KCR is scheduled to attend a marriage of the son of Union Minister Harshavardhan. After the marriage, KCR will rush back to Hyderabad as he is participating in the yagam here in Erravally with around 300 priests.
It may be noted that 5-day Yagam started yesterday around 11 and all the family members along with KTR and Harish participated. MP Santosh Kumar is overseeing the arrangments and other logistics here. KCR will take off to Delhi after the conclusion of the main puja here at his farmhouse this noon.
Some TRS MPs will also accompany KCR for the marriage it is reported. There is no other meeting in Delhi except for the marriage as he has to rush back to Hyderabad to take care of the arrangements of the Yagam for the third day.