Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has expressed shock over the death of the noted writer, actor and columnist Gollapudi Maruthi Rao.
The CM hailed the services rendered by Maruthi Rao to the Telugu literature, drama, and cinema. The Plays and research articles Maruthi Rao wrote on Telugu literature have guided the development of Telugu language and literature.
The CM has conveyed his condolences to members of the bereaved family.
While talking in a TV channel Maruthi Rao said that he is like family in Chennai and here in Hyderabad he is just a guest and an actor. Earlier the movie success was attributed to the entire unit and now it is just an individual he said.
One of his sons who directed a movie died by drowning in the water. That is the reason Maruthi Rao does not like directing movies. Now he is no more.