TRS President and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Sunday announced the names of TRS candidates for the legislative Council elections and to those seats, which will fall vacant shortly. A Notification has been issued for three seats under the MLAs quota, one seat each for the Teachers’ Constituency and Local bodies. There are two seats to be filled up under the Governor’s quota.
Under the MLAs quota, the CM declared TRS candidates are Sri Vullolla Gangadhar Goud, Sri Aliminate Krishna Reddy and Sri Mynampalli Hanumanth Rao. The CM has decided to recommend the names of Sri D Rajeshwar Rao and Sri Farooq Husain under the Governor’s quota. The TRS has already supported the candidature of friendly AIMIM party candidate Sri Syed Amin-ul-Asad Jafri. The TRS has already declared the candidature of Sri Katepalli Janardhan Reddy for the MLC election under the Teachers quota.
With this, for the ensuing MLC elections to seven seats, two were given to Muslims, two to Reddy Community, one each for Christians, Velamas and BCs. Though the name of CM’s political Secretary Sri Subhash Reddy has been considered for the MLC seat, due to sociological equations he could not be accommodated. The CM has decided to consider his name for the next MLC elections.
On Monday MLC candidates under the MLAs quota will file their nominations. Home Minister Sri Nayani Narasimha Reddy, Municipal Administration Minister KT Rama Rao; TRSLP Secretary Madati Ramesh Reddy will act as the coordinators for the MLC polls, the CM declared