Kavitha the MP from Nizamabad has given full marks to KCR and KTR as politicians and she has given more marks to them as family members and friends. Talking about reservations, Kavitha said that they want to give reservations on an economic basis rather than on the caste basis. All the poor must get help and reservations on the financial basis she opined. The central budget must accord National status to the Kaleshwaram project. All the political parties in India have their family members associated in one form or the other Kavitha explained. Don’t bother about the relations if they don’t perform just throw them out she explained.
It could be any family or relation she said. She agreed that TRS, Congress has family members. 40 per cent of MPs is related to one leader or the other she pointed out. It is in BJP also she explained. Performance of the member or the leader should be the benchmark she opined. If they don’t perform just throw them out with your vote she said. KCR family has been facing this question from the beginning. But all of them have worked from the agitation level and the people have elected them. No family member was nominated.