Krish Jagarlamudi the Tollywood director who took up the NTR direction from Teja said that Kangana took up the direction of Manikarnika and fairly completed the film. He opined that she did not spoil the film. Krish told the media that Kangana wanted the role of Sonusood to be curtailed and he did not agree with her. There was no other way but to discontinue the film as Kangana had a difference of opinion with him. Then he came out and took up the responsibility of NTR which he made it in two parts.
Both NTR and Manikarnika received a mixed response from the public. Kangana is getting a good appreciation for her performance. While the NTR collections were not that good, Manikarnika has got around 8 crores on day one.
Manikarnika story was by Vijayendra Prasad the father of Rajamouli. It is on the life of Rani Jhansi Laxmi Bai. Now Krish is getting ready for the release of NTR-2 with the title Mahanayakudu. Kirsh made both the parts with Balakrishna in jet speed.