Kamal repents

Kamal repents
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I definitely don’t want to hurt Hindu sentiments, as I myself belong to a Hindu family, but I have taken a different path,” Kamal the actor turned politician said today.

His remarks were trailed by defamation lawsuits and death threats.On his 63rd birthday, Tamil megastar Kamal Haasan announced that his new political party is a work in progress and in the meantime, a new app, titled “Maiam Whistle”, will serve as the interface between him and fans who want to share feedback or ideas on what issues he should embrace in his new role.

Kamal repents

“I am already here,” he said when asked about when he will launch his political career. He said he is “working on (the) structural part” of his new outfit.

The actor, who convened a controversy last week with his comments on right-wing terror groups, said that some of his comments, made in his column for a Tamil newsmagazine, may have been lost in translation. “I did not use the word ‘terror’; the word I used was ‘extreme’, like some of my fans who love me,” he said.

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