Rajinikanth the superstar who turned politician recently is all set to get ready for the next movie after Kaala. The producers have offered an amount of Rs 65 crore for the said movie and the hero has agreed to it. The producers dont bother if Kaala is a hit or flop. There is no clarity if it is remuneration or a share of one area for the movie.
On the other hand, Rajini is busy with the political party and Chaaru Haasan the family member of Kamal Hassan has predicted that Rajini will be the next CM of Tamilnadu. This is a great compliment for Thalaiva.
Kamal is also busy with a political party and not concentrating on the movies. He is out of Bharateeyudu -2 proposed by DilRaju from Tollywood.
Rajini’s 2.0 is ready for Release and Director Shankar is waiting for an opportune time to release this mega budget movie. Akshay Kumar is the villain in this movie and people are having high expectations.
Dhanush is on a high as has produced Kaala and he is happy with the outcome of this movie. The movie runs with the backdrop of slums and Rajini is in a black dress and white beard. The whole look is like the combination of salt and pepper.