Just walk and keep moving

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Keep moving. Walking is the best exercise to keep the sugar levels in check. Eat properly on time and with less carbs and more fibre. This is the basic mantra to reduce the risk of diabetes.

If you think that fats are bad for health, then it’s time to reconsider your opinion. While we do not support excessive oil intake,it is important to pick the right kind of fat to provide enough macronutrients to the body.

Alongside, enough protein intake to “keep your blood sugars stable”.She further recommends pairing carbs with protein and healthy fats,including ghee, coconut oil, avocado, super seeds, nuts, coconut and more.3. Be physically active:It is possibly the simplest hack to keep up a healthy lifestyle – the idea is to burn the energy you are taking every day. “A combination of strength training and cardio will help increase your insulin sensitivity as your muscles soak up the glucose in the bloodstream, maintaining blood sugar levels,”.

Eating nuts now and then will help to move away from the cravings of hunger all the time.Dry fruits are one of the best alternatives to snacks. Peanuts are also good aginst the diabetes. Take one egg in the morning to keep diabetes and sugar levels under control.

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