Anantapur Police have arrested former MP JC Diwakar Reddy today who was proceeding to Venkatapuram. JC was going to Venkatapuram for removing the stone slabs which were lined up by the rival party to prevent the pathway to the house of a TDP leader here.
The stones were lined up around the house of the TDP preventing the pathway and it was if the TDP leader was house arrested in Venkata Puram. A complaint was also lodged by the TDP with the Human Rights Commission against the YSRC leaders charging that they were harassing the TDP leaders.
TDP leader of Bukkarayapalem Nagararajus house was surrounded stone slabs and his path from the house was closed.
The local police did not act on the issue and JC who came to know about it was trying to rush to the area for removing the stone planks and come to the rescue of Nagaraju. But the police prevented him from reaching Venkaapuram.
The situation is tense in Venkatapuram and there is a chance that the TDP and YSRC cadres may clash here. Meanwhile, an office HRC has already visited the place and detailed memorandum was submitted by the TDP leaders here.
Perhaps this is the first time that the former MP JC is coming out in open after losing the election miserably. The seat was given to his son, and they lost the election on the TDP ticket. There were rumours that he was looking at the YSRC.