Jagan to use RGV against Pawan Kalyan

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RGV the controversial director earlier used the director RGV to make a movie against Chandrababu and it helped the YSRC in some way or the other in winning the election in AP.

There is talk that Jagan is trying to use RGV again for this election against Jana Sena and its chief Pawan Kalyan. This time Ram Gopal Varma the maverick director might make a movie against Pawan in the name of three wives, divorces, and other things.

There is news that RGV has met Jagan the CM and discussed the plot in brief. The movie could be released just before the election and that is to defame Pawan Kalyan who is planning to join hands with former CM Chandrababu Naidu.

While the BJP is chalking out a strategy for Pawan, the Sena chief is looking at Chandrababu. The YSRC is planning to go all alone in the coming elections.

The Congress is nowhere in AP for the coming elections. There is also a talk that Jagan will direct the Social media with his ideas to target Pawan Kalyan Jana Sena in the coming days.

He will help them in making short movies against Pawan Kalyan and release them blow by blow. The work will be done in the Mumbai factory of RGV.

There could be an announcement by RGV in the coming days as Jaganmohan Reddy will not talk about it. Government advisor Sajjala will also coordinate with RGV with all the inputs that he has.

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