Like his father YS Rajasekhar Reddy, Jaganmohan Reddy the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh is all set to launch his Prajadarbar from July first. Earlier when YSR was the CM he used to conduct Prajadarbar in the morning and resolve the poor people’s issues on the spot at the Begumpet camp office.
In the same fashion, Jaganmohan Reddy is starting his first ever Prajadarbad and he is also interested in reaching out to the people from across the state and resolve the issues. Jagan will also take memorandums from the people.
A team of officials will also look into the issues here at the Prajadarbar which would be forwarded by the Chief Minister Jagan. The CMO will also take up the issues so that they would be resolved at the earliest to instil confidence in the public from time to time.
There were instances where YSR just gave money to the people of his constituency who came with a wedding card to invite him. He used to suggest his people to give financial help to the needy at the camp office. There were instances where YSR just gave the needy about Rs 50000 to Rs 3 lakhs in person.