Its a murder says Preethis father

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The BRS Government has announced an exgratia of Rs 30 lakh and a Government job to one of the family members of Preethi the medical student who died of alleged harass ment by her senior by name Saif who is supposed to be the relative of Home Minister Ali.

Now Preethis father stated that it is a murder and it was dubbed as a suicide. He clarified that Saif injected her wiht some drug and Preethi died because of the murder.

Preethi did not commit suicide and the treatment was just a bahana by the Government.

Police arrested Saif for the abetment to suicide in addition to charges of ragging-laws and SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.

The cops are still awaiting the toxicological examination findings for definitive proof. Preethi’s family has demanded justice and asked for strict action against the accused.

The family also demanded action against the HOD and college Principal and reportedly got assurance from minister Harish Rao.

After the examination, Preeti’s body is shifted to her native village Janagoan district’s Girni Thanda.

Preeti’s family was inconsolable seeing her dead body. The state government has declared an ex gratia of Rs 10 lakh and minister Yerrabelli Dayakar Rao has announced another Rs 20 lakh ex gratia along with a gazetted officer post in government for Preeti’s family members.

The police have beefed up security for the final rites of Preethi.

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