Puri Jagannath the popular director is on the verge of releasing Liger of Vijay Devarakona on a Pan India basis and is not bothered about the movie of his son titled Chor Bazaar.
Bandla Ganesh the controversial producer who was there at the launch function lashed out at Puri saying that, it is the irresponsibility of Puri that he is not bothered about the son.
Puri is also working on Jana Gana Mana movie for Karan Johars Dharma productions. Puri tried to launch his son, but the movies bombed at the box office.
Now he has left the show to his son and the director who has done the movie, Chor Bazaar. But he should have attended the launch meeting of Chor Bazaar.
Bandla Blessed Akah Puri the hero and also lauded his mother and expressed sympathy for her. There were rumours that Charmee and Puri are living together and Puri has been ignoring the family.
But Puri’s wife is staying calm and leading her life. Her son is getting stabilised as a hero. Lets hope Puri will take care of the family properly.