Is NTR working for NTR biopic?

balakrishna ntr
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Nandamuri fans after seeing Babai and Abbai together at Aravinda Sametha success meet now want Balaiah to take junior for NTR biopic. There is demand from the WhatsApp groups that NTR junior should be involved in one form or the other for the biopic. It is a prestige question for them.

But NTR junior is mum on the matter. It is for Balakrishna to decide if NTR should be there or not and in want form.

But most of the movie is complete now. There is no character that suits him.

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Balakrishna is doing all the roles of big NTR. 64 get-ups is not a joke. Director Krish is working 24/7 for the movie and coming out with innovative promotions day in and day out.

The photos that he is posting are creating huge publicity and free publicity for the movie. Making a movie of 5 hours for two parts in about 6 months time is not an easy task. The two getting released in the same month of January in 2019 is a record of sorts.

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