Kodali Nani once an ardent fan of senior NTR and a great friend of junior NTR snapped ties with TDP and joined the Jagan party. Recently he met Harikrishna the son of NTR and requested him to consider joining the YSRCP. Harikrishna the man who travelled the length and breadth of Telugu states with his father for coming to power was a minister and later an RS member from the TDP.
But later he is going away from the party and is not on good terms with the CM Chandrababu. While Babu encouraged Balakrishna the hero the other son of NTR, he did not bother to look at Harikrishna.
It looks like Nani is trying to rope in Harikrishna for the YSRCP. Earlier he tried the same with the Junior NTR, but NTR wants to be loyal to his grandfather’s party and he is named after him. He said no to the invitation of YSRCP and also Jagan. He avoided meeting Jagan. But with Harikrishna meeting, Nani and the same photo being posted on the web is going viral and people are speculating that Harikrishna might join the Jagan party.
Even Junior NTR who campaigned for the TDP to bring back Babu to power is also away from the TDP and Chandrababu. They say is because of Lokesh. But Lokesh says that whenever they need NTR he would be ready to campaign for the party. To beat Pawan and Jagan now they definitely need the NTR Charisma. What will Harikrishna do in the next few days has to be seen. If father Harikrishna joins Jagan, will NTR support Babu and TDP is also to be seen in the near future?