Is BJP behind Babu arrest?

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There is widespread talk in the political circles that Jagan the CM of AP could have taken the blessings of Union Home Minister Amit Shah for arresting the former CM Chandrababu.

Jagan cannot make this movie without taking the concurrence of the BJP leaders and the people’s belief. But what for is the question? This act of Jagan will definitely go against YSRC in the coming days.

On one side Babu will get the sympathy of the voters in Andhra. Babu will fight against the YSRC regime and the BJP will join them. Jagan will be the loser in the long run.

But there is no chance of Jagan taking this drastic step without consulting the BJP at the centre. Today he is going to Delhi to meet PM Modi.

The political analysts are of the opinion that the BJP has pitted YSRC and TDP against each other. This will give enough room for the JanaSena to expand in the state of AP.

BJP RS member Dr Laxman has condemned the arrest of Chandrababu. Kishan Reddy also opined that it was not right on the part of the Jagan Government.

All this will benefit BJP and TDP in the long run. If elections are held in December the impact will be much more on the voters and they will definitely sympathise with Chandrababu.

Jagan in one way has succeeded in stopping the onslaught of Chandrababu meetings and also the Yuvagalam of Lokesh.

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