Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu was against Balayya’s second son in law Bharath from Vishakapatnam parliament seat. Vizag MP seat is creating a huge debate between Nandamuri and Nara families. Chandra babu wants to keep Bharath away from politics because Chandrababu and Lokesh are already involved in politics. As Nara Brahmani is from Nandamuri family, is forcing Chandra babu to give the MP seat to Bharath as he is her sister’s husband. chandra babu wants to allocate the seat to JD Lakshmi Narayana from Vishakapatnam parliament. Nara Lokesh is going to pit from Bheemili from north Vizag. As Nara Lokesh is also elected from the same parliament Chandra babu doesn’t want Bharath in it.
Chandra Babu is afraid that if Bharath and Lokesh participate from the same felid, it may affect the party members. This is the reason behind Chandra babu opposing MP seat to Bhramini’s brother-in-law. But unfortunately, Chandra babu got a warning from his own daughter-in-law.balayya said to Chanbabu that he won’t contest from Hindupur unless he gives the party seat tp Bharath. Candra babu has no option he has to drop out JD Lakshmi Narayana and has to give the seat to Bharath.