Indian Sugar is cheapest in the World

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Timely measures of Government of India have ensured sufficient availability of sugar at reasonable prices throughout the country for the whole year. As the current Sugar Season (Oct-Sep) 2022-23 is coming to an end on 30 Sep 2023, India has already crossed sugar production of 330 LMT excluding diversion of about 43 LMT for ethanol production. Thus, total sucrose production in the country would be about 373 LMT which is second highest in last 5 sugar seasons.

Ensuring priority to Citizens of the Country and clearance of cane due to farmers, India restricted exports quota to about 61 LMT only. This has resulted in optimal stock of approximately 83 LMT of sugar at the end of August, 2023. This stock is sufficient to meet approximately 3 and half months of consumption i.e. optimum stock available in the country at the end of current sugar season 2022-23. This fact reassures the domestic consumers that sugar is expected to be available for them at a reasonable price in future also.

As forecasted by IMD, till date monsoon has been normal in September 2023 and sugarcane areas of Maharashtra and Karnataka have also received rains improving prospects for better crops and recovery in ensuing SS 2023-24. State Cane Commissioners of all sugar producing states have been requested to keep a watch on the status of crops and update their information on area under cane, yield and anticipated sugar production.

This information would become basis for taking any decision regarding sugar export policy for next season. Government of India has always prioritize availability of sugar for domestic consumption, diversion for ethanol production and sufficient closing balance at the end of season. Only surplus sugar, if available, is allowed for exports.

This mechanism ensures stability of prices in domestic market. It is the outcome of this policy only that Indian consumers are getting sugar at one of the lowest prices in the world with no government subsidy to the sugar mills.

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