Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh said, the impactful journey of India Alliance over the last 15 years has strengthened the research and funding ecosystem of India and enabled successful implementations and interventions to bring impactful changes in the biomedical and clinical research ecosystem in the country.
He informed that in 2019, on completing 10 years, India Alliance launched the Team Science Grants and Clinical/Public Health Research Centres to find solutions to the problems of modern society requiring interdisciplinary and collaborative research.
Dr Jitendra Singh reiterated that this year, India Alliance is completing 15 years of a successful partnership between DBT, Government of India and Wellcome Trust.
He said, through a focus on excellence through generous funding schemes, India Alliance has played a major role in increasing the retention of research talent in India, created a positive impact on Indian researchers’ career progression, professional development, in addition to catalysing an undeniable increase in capacity building, impact on technology, policy and practice.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, India Alliance has also invested in building capacity for research management in Indian research institutions, essential for strengthening India’s research ecosystem. India Alliance has benefitted more than 589 research scientists with its pan-India approach and has funded 137 different organizations in 48 cities across India. Another hallmark of India Alliance is its focus on fostering collaborations, both nationally and internationally, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, the schemes have brought in foreign collaborations from countries such as USA, UK, Australia, and France, thus helping make Indian science and research competitive with global standards.