iGot health training:Corona

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The Government of India has initiated an Integrated Government Online Training (iGOT) platform for training of healthcare professionals as well as non-health providers for COVID-19 management. The Secretary Health and Family Welfare Preeti Sudan in a statement said that the iGOT is an on-line cloud based capacity building platform of DoPT being built to deliver role specific uniform content to all categories of providers.

It delivers pre-curated content to all devices smart phones, tablets, laptops etc. and has the capability of delivering appropriate training material simultaneously to unlimited number of learners. These training modules can be accessed at https://igot.gov.in.

The platform provides specific modules which have been uniquely designed and mapped to specific professionals, depending on their roles. Further, against each role, the training modules that may be undertaken have also been prepared, she said.

The iGOT platform is a source of training amongst all those engaged in COVID-19 management including doctors, nurses and allied healthcare professionals in both in the Private and Government sector hospitals / medical colleges and also amongst all the non-health workers and volunteers engaged in this work. The professionals are encouraged to frequently check the courses on this platform, based on their roles to stay updated on the recent developments, she added.

Ms Sudan also said that The COVID Warrior dashboard (https://covidwarriors.gov.in) is a master database of the healthcare professionals and volunteers and indicates the State and District wise availability of various categories of Health workforce such as Doctors, Nurses, Allied and Healthcare professionals among others, as well as non-health volunteers and the contact details of nodal officers from the State, Districts and major associations. This also has details of various Hospitals including Railways, Defence, ESIC among others.

It is a useful tool to efficiently plan and mobilise the workforce to avert undue distress while enabling services within the district. Ms Sudan further said that The COVID Warrior dashboard will have a secured login for all the chief administrators of the districts and States including Principal Secretaries, Mission Heads, District Magistrates, Commissioners, COVID nodal officers, among others. In case of any clarification, the nodal JS from MoHFW, Dr. Nipun Vinayak, may be contacted at : 09650307575 (email:js.me-mohfw@gov.in)

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