How to protect your liver

How to protect your liver
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If liver is alright, the digestion will be good. If the digestion is good there will be no constipation. So for that one has adopt healthy lifestyle and have a balanced diet. Eat foods from all the food groups: grains, proteins, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and fats.

Include green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, apple and walnut in your diet. Eat foods that have lot of fibres such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, rice and cereals such as quinoa, millet and buckwheat
  How to protect your liver
Ensure safe blood transfusions to avoid contracting hepatitis A, B, C.Maintain personal hygiene and be sure to wash hands after using the washroom.Avoid tap water when travelling

Say no to alcohol, tobacco and drugs.Exercise regularly  “A key player in the digestive system of the human body, the liver processes everything we eat and drink including medication. It is impossible to survive without the functioning of the liver and it is an organ which needs to be well maintained and taken care of.

Due to the fact that it is a multi-functionary organ, it is susceptible to viruses, toxic substances, contaminants present in food and water. However even when it is under siege, the liver is slow to complain as it is a tough, hardy part of our body. Often, people with liver problems are unaware of any problem as they will experience few or no symptoms.
How to protect your liver
While there have been major advances in treating liver diseases, there is no complete cure. Therefore, it is very important to make healthy lifestyle choices to prevent liver damage, and getting the necessary vaccines against viruses which can cause liver disease.”

“Liver cancer today is the fifth most common cancer claiming millions of lives annually. Recent developments in the diagnosis and treatment has helped to cure many patients. Remaining vigilant and getting health check-ups done regularly can help in the early detection of liver cancer.

A second factor to remember is that liver cancer occurs almost always in diseased livers. The importance of checking and screening for Hepatitis B and C as well as taking early and sustained care of the liver through a healthy, active lifestyle, therefore, cannot be over-emphasized.”

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