Hattrick win a must for KTR and KCR

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If KCR wants to play a key role in Delhi, he must win in Telangana first and then get some seats under the BRS banner at the National level. There is talk that BRS would contest around 1OO seats at the National level.

If he wins at least fifty percent he is here to run a show in Delhi and dictate terms to the BJP. BJP right now is working on around two hundred seats in the South.

The AP seats will automatically come into the Kitty of BJP. It could be from YSRC or the TDP Sena combine. In Telangana, they have four seats and they might add some more to the tally.

In Karnataka also they have good numbers.

There is a talk that the BRS Boss KCR had decided to go to Delhi by giving the Chief Minister’s post to KTR. With this, the key responsibilities in the party and the government were given to KTR.

Though KTR is holding a few portfolios, it is known that he is examining a few other departments unofficially. All this will continue only if BRS comes to power for the third term.

That too BRS should get a good majority in the state. BRS should also win the maximum number of MP seats in TS. While the Congress is overconfident, the BRS is sure of coming to power.

The BJP is neither here nor there. At the same time, KCR and KTR are moving around the districts in the name of development. They are ready for the elections.

Some MLAs have already been confirmed about the seats and B form.

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