Harish Rao the former FM had lambasted the state government, claiming that the Congress government had borrowed Rs 1.27 lakh crore in just one year, suggesting that this figure would escalate to Rs 6.36 lakh crore over five years.
Making a point in the Assembly Harish accused the Congress of providing incorrect data about the loans taken during the BRS regime,asserting that the BRS government had borrowed Rs 4,17,496 crore,
while the Congress was wrongly publicising it as over Rs 7 lakh crore.
In response, Bhatti Vikramarka affirmed the government’s readiness to discuss the borrowings transparently. He clarified that the government is not breaching the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) limits.
He further noted that White Papers had been released to reveal the financial reality to the public. Bhatti urged Harish Rao not to waste time with misleading statements and challenged him on the BRS government’s record, asking if they had fulfilled promises like distributing three acres of land to Dalits or providing double-bedroom houses.
BhattiHarish stressed that unlike the BRS government, which allegedly concealed facts about borrowings, the Congress administration is committed to transparency on financial matters.