Happy Social Media Day

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These days print media and electronic media have taken a back seat and Social media is everything. Elections are won with the help of social media. Social media can make or mar the chance of person in the elections.

World Social Media Day is all about being social and active online. To mark the occasion, you can start by posting a “Happy Social Media Day” message on your social media accounts.

Various organisations celebrate this day by hosting virtual events that focus on spreading awareness about data privacy and fostering global connections. Influencers also join in the celebrations by
organising campaigns, quizzes, and interactive activities to engage their followers.

Another meaningful way to celebrate is by educating others about disinformation and how to combat it. Share tips on identifying fake news and promote reliable sources of information.

World Social Media Day is a time to appreciate the positive impact of social media, connect with others, and contribute to a more informed and connected community. There are people who have become MLCs with the help of social media.

Social media can be used to expose the erring leaders and corrupt politicians.

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