Guard against infections

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With the rains coming now and then there is every need for the people to take precautions aginst the infections. The medical experts have given some suggestions which are listed here.

➢ Avoid shaking hands, sharing food, water and clothes, with someone
who is sick, or when sick yourself
➢ Wash hands frequently, as well as use hand sanitizers often, to avoid
being infected
➢ Minimize contamination of hands, avoid touching door handles, table
tops, lift buttons, stair banisters, and railings in public places
➢ Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, to avoid infecting people
around you
➢ Use disposable tissues if you have cough and cold and discard them
immediately after use
➢ Improve your immunity by getting adequate sleep, at least 8 hours,
drinking 3 liters of water every day and eating a healthy diet with fruits.
➢ Take rest and stay at home if feeling unwell for a speedy recovery and
to avoid infecting others.

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