Congress is trying to create hurdles in the process of Telangana Development stated K Taraka Rama Rao the IT Minister. Addressing the farming community KTR said that no one can stop the development in Telangana and we know how to tackle these people he said. Mahabunagar will turn green and the CM is working for it he informed.
The tanks and lakes will be filled for the sake of irrigation he suggested. He cited various examples where the Congress made politics and filed cases against the Government. He said that the Government will fight it out and get the things done at the earliest he said. No one will go out of the district for work he said.
The Congress is in trouble and they do not know how to counter the TRS he opined. That is the reason they are stalling the process of development by way of court cases he pointed out. KCR is for development and we make politics only when there are elections he explained. Development is for all and here we do not politicise he clarified.
The centre is not doing enough for the farming community he said. This is not for the elections, the welfare will continue and this has been announced earlier KTR pointed out. Why did not the Congress bother about the farmers earlier he questioned?
The green revolution must start from Telangana and spread across the Nation he said. The farmers must question and demand the respective governments for the sake of welfare he suggested.
A lot of donations are pouring in for the welfare of farming community he said. There will be no stopping of the welfare measures and they will improve day by day and the farmer will be the King of Telangana he stated.