Amit Shah the BJP chief who completed his Karnataka campaign was on a visit to Tirumala, may be to seek the divine help of Lord Venkateshwara in winning the elections. But he was stopped at the Alipiri by the people demanding special status to AP. He was also earlier stopped in Tamilnadu on the issue of Cauvery waters. Someone pelted stones also on Amit shahs convoy. BJP leaders Karunakar Reddy and former OSD of the present VP Venkaiah Naidu, Satya was accompanying Amit Shah here.
The police had a tough time in controlling the mob. People shouted Amit Shah go back and also wanted special status for AP.
Shah, however, had a good darshan of Lord Balaji and purohits have them all the VVIP treatment he posed for the photos also.
But taking this into serious account it could very difficult for the Modi the PM to come to AP or TTD in the near future. The people may pounce on his convoy in the name of special status.
Shah wanted to speak to the media also but it was avoided as the people were violent against him and this was not expected. Earlier Modi visited TTD after a whirlwind tour of Andhra along with Chandrababu. Later he came after winning and becoming the PM. But now the intelligence may not allow him for the AP or TTD visit. This to just to avoid the anger of the public.