Governor Posts

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It is reported that Modi has promised Governor posts also to the TDP as part of the package to save this Government at the centre.

Chandrababu is contemplating to give TTD Chief post to Ashoka Gajapathi Raju it is reported. But he could be offered the Governors post also as part of the TDP quota.

RRRs name was also tossed for the post of TTD>According to the hearsay, the BJP high command is preparing to offer a governor post to TDP as a show of gratitude for backing the NDA alliance.

It is heard that Chandrababu is excited by this offer and he could be picking either Yanamala Ramakrishnudu or Ashok Gajapati Raju for the governor’s post.

Slowly things are unfolding by the day. Modi has offered the post of Rajya Sabha to Chiranjeevi the brother of Pawan Kalyan the Janasena Chief.

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