Go with the family to Ante Sundrainiki : Movie review

ante sundaraniki
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This movie is for the family audience and it is full of enjoyment. It has real comedy not vulgar like other movies.

It begins as a regular romantic comedy. Then the Nani starrer slowly exposes the main theme of fertility and depicts how parents behave differently to the same problem for a woman and a man.

The title is cheeky, but the film offers more than just laughs and clichés.

Directed by Vivek Athreya of ‘Brochevarevarura’ fame, the film begins in his own style – twists and turns with comic episodes.

The first half of the film has showcased many issues. First and foremost, the first half of the film is riddled with absurd situations.

‘Ante Sundaraniki’ offers good laughs and a satisfying final act despite the meandering initial sequences. Naresh as the father of Nani has done well.

The movie is getting ready for the Pan India audience and also on Netflix for the OTT.

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