Gaddar may eclipse Kodandaram

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Telangana Jana Samithi leader is yet to make any mark in Telangana after announcing the political party. With Gaddar the revolutionary singer announcing coming into active politics it has to been where this TJS leader is heading. Will they join together is another question. As of now, Kodandaram is not for joining other parties. He wants to go all alone.

The leaders close to him Jana Samithi have suggested him to join the Congress with an alliance to fight the elections. But Kodandaram is yet to accept the suggestion. He neither has the money nor the muscle power. Just by launching a party and giving the tickets to the candidates is not enough. You must look at the caste creed and community affiliations and then provide them with money and also muscle power. Then you can some seats otherwise it will be of no use.


As of now, you have TRS, MIM, Congress,BJP, JanaSena, TDP, Gaddar, Communists and then your TJS. So getting a seat to contest in some party is very easy, but you have to be different and all kinds of arsenal to win the election. It of no use by just getting some votes and helping the other man to win the elections and mar the chances of other parties.

As of now TRS is well placed and it is in power and there is very less anti-incumbency for the time being. Unless and until something big happens there is no other chance for any other parties in Telangana. It is one way for TRS. With Gaddar coming into politics some fo the forces might join Gaddar soon. Gaddar has naturally more attraction than Kodandaram and he also gets the support from Communists.

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