The petrol and diesel rates in the country are rising on a daily basis. In Delhi, the Diesel is costing more than the petrol This has come as a bi surprise for the fuel consumers.
It looks like the Government which is having problems for income is using the sale of petrol to fill the coffers. The Telangana Government has collected around Rs 800 core in the form of power bills.
The incomes of the people are coming down due to COVID. Employment in the unorganised sector is coming down drastically. But the cost of living is rising on a daily basis.
The file rates itself is the latest example. In the name of Corona, the movement for the people has become very difficult and even the servants are not being allowed into the houses by the owners.
The State Government are finding it difficult to collect the taxes as the people are finding it very difficult to pay them. It is very difficult fr the poor and middle class to survive with this testing fuel rates.
The communists have opposed the rise in fuel prices, but so far there is no stiff resistance by the consumers. The commuters have n other option bu to buy petrol.