Rakul Preet Singh who has been busy with Manmadhudu 2 has now been selected for Nithin. Nithin who is busy wiht the movie Bheeshma will be working with Chandrasekhar Eeleti it is reported.
Rashmika Mandana is working with Nithin now for Bheeshma. Venky Kudumala is the director of this movie.
Rakul was in news since a long time with Nagarjuna for Manmathud 2 and she is seen in some steamy scenes with Nag in shorts and eating ice cream on the streets.
After this romantic role now Rakul is all set to become a criminal lawyer with Nithin it is learnt.
Nithins father Sudhakar Reddy will be producing the movie. This project will get started in 2020 and would be ready for the next summer release according to the plans.
But it all depends on as to how Bheeshma would be received by the public. The box office response would be the real key for the next project. Apart from this Nithin is also planning for another movie called as Power Peta under the direction of Krishna Chaitanya.
Right now he is working on Bheeshma and getting ready to do two movies and one of them is his home production. The leading lady for Power Peta is yet to be decided.
So slowly Rakul is coming back into the form in Tollywood. Manmadhudu 2 is ready for release and it is a hilarious romantic comedy.