It may be remembered that Wink Priya went viral and shook the film world with who is who of the industry following her and tweeting for her and also some of them imitating her. A college Principal ordered that the students would be suspended if they imitate the winking act of Priya varrier in the classroom.
In Hyderabad, a case was filed against the movie an also on the act of Priya that it goes against the Islam and that the film should be banned. The also sought action against the actor Priya. But the court said no and did not take any action on the movie or the actor Priya. Later Priya got several offers and she took some of them and is busy with her work.
It has become very difficult for her to go to the college.
In the latest development, a fresh petition was filed against the movie and Priya saying that the wink song goes against the Islam and that it should be removed or banned. In Islam winking is not permitted and it goes against the preachings of the Islam they said in the complaint. It has to be seen what action they would take over the matter.