Former Mayor questioned by police-MLAs son absconding

hyd gang rape
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The police have no option but to arrest the MIM MLAs son involved in the gang-rape case it is learnt. Earlier the police have given clean chit to the MLAs son, but now that the BJP MLA Raghunandan has provided the evidence with photos and CC footage the police have to arrest the MLAs son.

where is the MLAs son is the question? There is a talk that he is in Dubai. Now the police are questioning a Corporator and former Mayor of Hyderabad for his involvement in giving shelter to the accused in a farmhouse.

The white car seized by the police belonged to newly appointed Wakf board Chairman Masiullah Khan popular as Masi and he is close to Home Minister Ali.

The white car was found to be sanitised and the clues team could not collect any evidence. Now they are trying to get some technical evidence.

There is thinking among the people that the police are dragging their feet over the issue. The video shows that MLAs son was molesting the girl in the red Benz owned by the MLAs sister.The incident occurred on 28th and the case was registered after two days.

The CC footage could have tampered. The Rape took place in the red Benz, and the police are showing the white Innova for evidence which was sanitised and seized yesterday.

BJP has given visuals of rape happening in the red car. Police say the rape occurred in the white car. This shows that the police are shielding someone at a higher level.

Finally, the arrested culprits might come out of the case saying that there is no evidence. The girl has already been tutored to say what is required to shield the culprits.

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