Rajinikanth the superstar has made a comeback and the film directed by Karthik Subbaraj is a hit. Dhanush the relative of Rajini who is also a star by himself thanked Karthik Subbaraj for bringing back the old Rajinikanth.
It is the story of a hostel warden who fights against the evil and we can a mix of the old Rajini films here in Petta. But unfortunately in Telugu states, Ashok Vallabahneni got a few theatres for Rajinikanth’s dubbing film and in the next two days, the film will be only in 3 theatres it is reported. On the first day, it is being screened in about 50 theatres.
Vinaya Vidheya Ram of Ram Charan and F2 of Venkatesh will take the screens from Petta. Already NTR is being screened in the majority of the theatres for this Sankranthi.
We have to see how Petta will be accommodated as it has been adjudged as a hit film.
Now Petta being dubbed in Hindi.