Feroz, Shabbir or Azhar

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Who will get the Ministry under Muslim quota is the big question. Shabbir Ali the senior congress leader who has been losing one election after the other is said to be the man who will become a MLC and get the Ministry.

He is close to Revanth Reddy and was the power Minister under the YSR regime. But Feroze Khan the man who lost Nampally for the third time has got all the sympathy from the Public.

He is also expected to get the Ministry. Azharuddin who was supposed to win from Jubileehills also lost due to the split in the Minority vote by the MIM.

He is also expecting to become an MLC or a minister in the future. Shabbir is related to AK Khan the policeman who fixed Revanth in the vote for note case.

So Shabbir is the front-runner for the Ministry we can say. Next comes Feroze Khan and then comes the role of Azharuddin. Azharuddin was a flip-flop leader who never mingled with the people.

But Feroze was with the people and even Hindus like him. It will take some time for CM Revanth to finalise the next 6 ministers for the state of Telangana.

The Congress Government wants to give all the importance to the Muslims this time as they have supported the party for coming to power. They ignored the diktats of Owaisi this time and brushed the BRS aside.

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